What Do I Need to Know About Laser Skin Treatment?

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Laser skin treatment, also known as laser skin resurfacing, can help to reduce signs of aging and can also serve as a therapy for veins in the face, keeping them young and healthy for the long term. Although laser skin treatment is a safe and relatively simple procedure, it still helps to know as much as possible before you seek it out. Is laser skin treatment safe? Does laser treatment leave scars? Is laser skin treatment covered by insurance? This article answers these questions and more.


Anybody Can be a Candidate for Laser Therapy

While you should always tell your plastic surgeon about skin issues you have had in the past or any light sensitivity that you have, virtually anybody can benefit from laser therapy in the modern medical world. If you have veins showing that you could like to remove, laser vein therapy can help you even if you have sensitive skin. As long as the doctor knows your medical history beforehand, the procedure can be tailored to match your individual needs. Does laser treatment leave scars? No, as long as your doctor knows which laser to use and what procedures to avoid. By being as honest and open as possible prior to the procedure, you increase the odds of success for your therapy for veins and other needs.

The Time of Year Matters

Laser skin treatment involves the use of light beams in order to make your skin look younger. Because of the light therapy used in this procedure, however, it does leave your skin more vulnerable than normal to ultraviolet (UV) exposure. Is laser skin treatment safe? Yes, but there are times of the year when the procedure is safer than others. If you have the option of choosing when you seek out laser skin treatment, you should target the fall or winter. The decreased amount of sunlight during these seasons reduces your risk of UV exposure. Even then, however, you should wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher when you go outside to protect yourself even further.

Pain is Relative to the Patient

Some people who have gone through laser vein therapy find it to be a virtually painless procedure, while others might feel discomfort that lasts for days or even weeks. While a skilled plastic surgeon can estimate the level of pain a typical patient experiences during laser skin treatment, that professional can never predict your personal reactions or tolerance to discomfort with 100% accuracy. Different people have different skin types, differing levels of facial elasticity, and differing biologies. While you should absolutely listen to reviews and testimonials regarding particular procedures, don’t take other people’s word as 100% true. Your experience might differ from another person going through the same procedure.

The Plastic Surgeon is as Important as the Procedure

Many people focus on what sort of skin treatment they want, factoring in matters such as laser skin treatment cost for the different procedures and asking, “Is laser skin treatment covered by insurance?” before they even consider who will be performing the procedure. Whether you want laser vein therapy or a more extensive form of laser skin treatment, your relationship with the plastic surgeon who performs the procedure is extremely important. You need to talk to your surgeon in an open and honest manner, building a rapport well before you get ready for the treatment. If you don’t feel like you can discuss all of your thoughts and reservations about a procedure with your surgeon, ask for a consultation so you can connect with a doctor with whom you will be more in sync.

Darker Skin is not a Barrier

Many people with darker skin colors often avoid laser vein therapy and other laser skin treatments not due to the cost but rather due to the fact that they have been told the treatment will leave them with scars or skin discoloration. This is not true, although a skilled surgeon does need to take skin color and tone into account when choosing the proper treatment. Darker skin may require resurfacing options such as radio-frequency treatments or microneedling, which reduce the chance of discoloration. If the question is, “Does laser treatment leave scars for dark-skinned people?” then the answer is no so long as the surgeon takes skin tone into account.

Your Medical History Matters

Every plastic surgeon makes sure to take a complete medical history before a procedure begins. Your medical history can alter the type and frequency of treatment, and it can also play a role in answering the question, “Is laser skin treatment covered by insurance?” Skin and vein conditions aren’t the only things that might affect your treatment options. Medications, be they prescription or over the counter can also affect how therapy for veins and other laser treatments work. If you fail to disclose information, you might find yourself facing surprising complications. The laser skin treatment cost might also increase if your insurance company decides that you withheld necessary information from your plastic surgeon.

Recovery Times can Vary

Is laser skin treatment safe? Almost always. However, you still need to allow yourself an appropriate length of time to recover after a procedure. For many laser treatments, the recovery time is actually zero – you can get your treatment over your lunch break and go back to work without missing a beat. However, treatments that use ablative lasers require between five and seven days of downtime afterward. During this time, you should avoid sun exposure and take it easy, restricting your activity as recommended by your doctor. Failing to take the necessary time to recover is one of the top reasons that people find themselves struggling with unexpected complications.

You May Need Multiple Treatments

When calculating your total laser skin treatment cost, you should make sure to consider the fact that you may need multiple treatments. This is especially true of non-ablative lasers, which require less recovery time but are not as effective if they only get used once. When you discuss a procedure with plastic surgeons in your area, make sure to plan out a schedule of laser skin treatments ahead of time. Above all else, make sure that the schedule you and your doctor settle on has enough time built in for proper recovery between procedures. Forcing too many treatments into a small period of time will do more harm than good to your skin.

Your Might Need to Haggle with Your Insurance Provider

Is laser skin treatment covered by insurance? That depends largely on which company or government body provides the insurance in the first place. Most of the time, laser skin therapy is considered elective surgery, which not all insurances cover. If you have a medical need, however, your doctor might be willing to vouch for you in a letter to the insurance company. For example, if vein problems would affect your mobility or activity levels, you could make the argument that therapy for veins is medically necessary. In this case, the laser skin treatment cost would be reduced for you. However, most insurance plans in most provinces will default to not covering laser treatment, which means that you might need to contact the company directly to make your case to them.

Always Keep an Eye Out for New Technology

The answer to the questions, “Is laser skin treatment safe?” and, “Does laser treatment leave scars?” used to be very mixed, while today it is a resounding, “No.” this is largely due to the steady advance of plastic surgery technology and the refinement of different light treatments to fit a wider variety of skin types. Even today, when we are much more advanced as a society than ever before, doctors and researchers are still discovering new skin treatment options. Just as an example, plasma skin resurfacing, cold helium plasma with radio-frequency, and plasma fibroblast are all treatment technologies that didn’t exist just a few short years ago. Now, however, they provide the latest and greatest in laser skin treatment technology. Even after you have taken then time to learn about different treatments and experience what they can do for your skin, keep an eye out for new technology. Options available in the coming years may be even better than what you have available to you now.

The field of laser skin treatment is vast and endlessly fascinating. At the same time, it can also be intimidating. This is especially true if you are unfamiliar with the technology used in the field, if you have doubts about whether you can afford the cost of laser skin treatment, or if you have an unusual skin condition or medical history. However, all of these hurdles can be overcome through a talk with a skilled professional. Keep the advice listed here in mind as you embark upon your laser skin treatment journey. You will be very glad that you did. Armed with this knowledge and an open relationship with your doctor, you should be prepared to look and feel younger within just a few short hours.