Biggest Myths About Rhinoplasty

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Nose job surgery, a.k.a. Rhinoplasty or nose job , is a popular and commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure. Unfortunately, there are several myths around this surgery despite its popularity. This article highlights and debunks the most common myths and misconceptions around Rhinoplasty and shares the truth about this transformative surgery.

Only Women undergo Rhinoplasty Surgery

One of the biggest rhinoplasty surgery myths is that it is exclusive to women. In fact, rhinoplasty is becoming increasingly popular among men. Many men undergo rhinoplasty surgery to correct or alter the shape of their nose, for example, in case of a crooked or bumpy nose. The desire to alter the shape of a facial feature and better self-confidence is not limited to a gender.

Men often seek rhinoplasty to improve appearance and wish for facial harmony and hence, may want to alter the shape of their noses. A growing number of men now feel comfortable exploring the option of undergoing this cosmetic surgery. It is important to share the truth about this rhinoplasty myth as it may prevent men from seeking treatment that could improve the quality of life.

People can tell if you have had Rhinoplasty Surgery

Another common one of all rhinoplasty myths is that the results of this surgery are either obvious or unnatural. This rhinoplasty myth is based on some surgeons performing bad surgery in the past. An experienced and trained facial plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon can shape your nose to look as natural as possible and remove any imperfections to achieve your desired goal with rhinoplasty at the same time.

Modern rhinoplasty aims to improve the shape of the nose such that it is in harmony with the patient’s facial proportions, skin type and ethnic background. As a result, the outcome is both natural and balanced. It improves the patient’s overall facial appearance without drawing attention to the nose itself.

Any Plastic Surgeon can perform Rhinoplasty Surgery

This myth is probably the most dangerous of all rhinoplasty surgery myths. The truth is not all surgeons can perform rhinoplasty. This is a complex surgery that requires specialized training and experience, hence, only a Board-certified facial plastic surgeon or plastic surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty surgery should perform a rhinoplasty. It is important to choose a surgeon who possesses a specialization and proven record of successful facial plastic surgeries. Don’t fall for the rhinoplasty myth that any plastic surgeon can get you the results you want from your nose job.

Rhinoplasty is covered by Insurance

Many people believe another rhinoplasty myth that it is covered by insurance. The truth is most insurance plans do not cover rhinoplasty surgery, especially if it is being done purely for cosmetic reasons.

Correction of a deviated septum which is interfering with normal breathing could be covered by insurance but this does not affect the price of the cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery. Discuss the specifics of your case with your doctor and your insurance provider. In some cases, the insurance provider may cover post-procedure prescription.

Rhinoplasty can create Celebrity Noses

Rhinoplasty surgery can give anyone a celebrity nose is another common rhinoplasty myth. Not knowing the truth may lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment.

The goal of a rhinoplasty surgery is to enhance a person’s nose, not to make it look like someone else’s. Every patient has unique facial features, skin type, and nasal structure. A nose shape that looks good on a celebrity may not look good on you.

A skilled surgeon will restructure your nose to complement your facial features and to ensure overall facial harmony. You may use celebrity photos as a reference for what you like, but it is important to set realistic expectations about the results of your rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Surgery is Dangerous

Many people falsely believe the rhinoplasty myth that this surgery is dangerous. While any surgery carries its own risks, rhinoplasty is generally considered a safe procedure when performed by an experienced, Board-certified facial plastic surgeon.

The patient also has an important role to play in ensuring the safety of the procedure – following the surgeon’s recommendations before and after the surgery. Complications are rare with rhinoplasty but you need to stick to the prescribed medications, avoid strenuous activities, and attend follow-up appointments. You can discuss any concerns you have with your surgeon before the surgery.

Rhinoplasty Procedures are Painful

The rhinoplasty myth that the surgery is painful may prevent patients from seeking treatment. The truth is that anesthesia techniques and post-surgery pain management can minimize pain and discomfort during and after surgery.

During the procedure, the patient is under general anesthesia, so they don’t feel any pain. After the procedure, the surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help you manage any post-surgery discomfort. Most patients report a feeling of mild pressure or congestion for a short while after the surgery rather than pain.

It’s Easy to remove a Bump on a Nose

Another one of the most common rhinoplasty myths is that the removal of a bump from the nose is a simple procedure. The fact is rhinoplasty is a complex procedure, and your surgeon will balance your aesthetic and functional goals.

The removal of the bump doesn’t just mean shaving down some cartilage or bone. The surgeon will consider how any changes will affect the overall structure and function of the nose. The removal of the bump should neither interfere with breathing nor create an unnatural look.

This rhinoplasty myth highlights the importance of selecting a skilled surgeon, with extensive experience, who can manage this delicate balance.

Rhinoplasty is only for Wealthy People

Last but not the least, this Rhinoplasty surgery myth is the belief that this surgery is only accessible to the rich and the famous. The cost of a rhinoplasty varies depending on the complexity of the surgery. Some patients save up for their rhinoplasty, considering it an investment in their appearance, health and confidence.

While cost may be a factor, it shouldn’t be the only factor you consider. Rhinoplasty provides both aesthetic and functional benefits when performed by a skilled, experienced surgeon.

It is important to learn the truth about these rhinoplasty surgery myths so potential patients can seek this beneficial treatment with realistic expectations and make informed decisions.