What to Expect After Neck Lift Liposuction

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Neck lift liposuction is an effective way to slim down your face and neck area, providing you with more confidence and a better, more toned appearance. However, those looking into neck liposuction might find themselves asking many questions that need answers before committing to the procedure.


What’s the difference between neck liposuction and neck lift? How much does it cost to get neck liposuction? Read on to find the answers to all the questions you might have about neck liposuction and whether or not it’s right for you.

What is Neck Lift Liposuction?

As with normal liposuction, a neck liposuction treatment consists of removing excess fat from one area of the body – in this case, the neck, and possibly the lower face under the chin.

During your neck liposuction procedure, your cosmetic surgeon will insert a small cannula through an incision beneath your chin or behind your ears, removing excess fat and sculpting a contour of your chin and neck.

This is a very straightforward cosmetic procedure that can be performed at any typical liposuction cosmetic clinic. In many cases, this procedure can even be done on an outpatient basis using general anesthesia in one to two hours, helping keep your neck liposuction cost low and making it one of the easiest and most cost-effective cosmetic procedures out there that a young person can undergo.

The Goals of Neck Lift Liposuction

Neck liposuction primarily helps reduce the appearance of a double chin, refines the jawline, and balances out facial features. Its relatively low cost and small list of complications make it an ideal procedure to combine with other facial plastic surgery treatments, such as chin augmentation, neck lift , or rhinoplasty.

With proper healing and aftercare, the results of your neck liposuction treatment can be permanent, making it a terrific option for those who have lost weight but are still carrying excess fat in the neck and facial area, those who want to provide a better sense of balance to their face, or those who wish to remove an unsightly double chin.

Because the procedure involves only minimal sculpting and is mostly just a removal of excess fat in your neck and chin, younger people tend to benefit most from neck liposuction - if you’re struggling with sagging skin due to age, or excessive muscle,tissue hypertrophy under the chin or big neck anatomy, consider a neck lift instead of a neck liposuction procedure.

Preparing for Your Neck Lift Liposuction

The most important step you can take towards preparing for the success of your neck lift liposuction is to deliver your full medical history to your cosmetic surgeon prior to your procedure. This allows your doctor to figure out if your specific treatment needs to change based on your past surgical history or allergies to certain types of medication.

Before going into your procedure, make a list of all your questions and concerns, as well as a rundown of your medical history. Doing so will make the process as a whole go much more smoothly.

Neck Lift Liposuction Recovery: What to Expect

After your surgery, there will be a period of time during which you should avoid engaging in heavy labour, and your doctor may also ask you to avoid going back to work for a little while. However, as long as you don’t experience any severe complications, you can expect to return to work within two to three weeks.

After the first few weeks following your surgery, make sure to avoid any strenuous activity for another few months until your procedure is fully healed. Your doctor will likely then schedule an appointment to review your progress and provide you with more specific instructions to help you through the process as needed.

During your recovery, make sure you’re focusing on good nutrition, walking and lots of rest. While the actual neck liposuction procedure itself isn’t that strenuous on your body, your body still needs help recovering both from the anesthesia and the surgery.

Eating a diet rich in protein,fruits and vegetables, especially those with high beta-carotene content, can help your skin. Gentle exercises such as walks can also help keep your body fit and speed along your recovery process. Drink lots of water, and make sure that you get as much sleep as possible.

Scheduling Your Neck Lift Liposuction

Dr. Kristina Zakhary, a highly-skilled, Calgary-based facial surgeon specializing in neck lift liposuction procedures, is a Board Certified Facial Surgeon with advanced training in Ear, Nose, Throat, and Head and Neck Surgery with special focus in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Zakhary has extensive experience in successfully performing neck lift liposuction - with her expertise, she can help you achieve the desired contour and definition of your neck with ease.

Don't let excess fat, muscle, or loose skin on your neck affect your self-confidence any longer. To learn more about this transformative plastic surgery procedure and determine if you're a suitable candidate, reach out us today at 403-668-2917, or visit our website to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a rejuvenated and refined neck.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the Difference Between Neck Lift Liposuction and a Neck Lift?

Unlike neck lift liposuction, a neck lift removes excess fat and tightens neck muscles around your neck and chin. This is an ideal procedure for older patients who wish to have a more refined neck line.

While a neck liposuction procedure focuses on the non-invasive removal of excess fat only, a neck lift is a more significant procedure with a longer recovery time and a different set of risk of complications.

What Are the Potential Complications of Neck Lift Liposuction?

On average, neck lift liposuction complications tend to be relatively minor, such as potential bleeding,swelling and infection of the surgical site. Other neck liposuction complications to look out for include contour irregularities and bumps along your skin.

Make sure to consult your surgeon if you notice any complications following your procedure, as they can help you treat them to minimize any long-term risks and advance your recovery process smoothly.

How Much Does It Cost to Get Neck Lift Liposuction?

The total cost of your neck lift liposuction depends on the extent of surgery needed, along with whether or not you experience any potential complications, such as a bad reaction to anesthesia or unusual skin contours.

You can generally expect the procedure itself to cost between $10,00-$15000 in Canada, although costs vary based on clinics and surgeons. Your cosmetic surgeon may also offer financing options to help reduce your final costs.